Lunch Devo: Joshua 24:15

  • What are you fully committed to and who knows about that commitment?
  • When given the decision to worship someone or something, do you choose God?
  • Will you recommit yourself to the Lord and dedicate yourself and your household to following the Lord no matter what may come?

I love this resolution by Joshua to worship the Lord! He is faced with a group of people that have been taken from Egypt (the land of slavery) and are now facing the joy of the Promised land. He urges them to choose who it will be that they worship, the gods of the land or the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – the One that delivered them from the land of bondage!

As for Joshua the choice was clear – he was going to follow the Lord. He was going to worship and serve God. How about you? Is it clear where you stand? Choose this day to follow and serve the Living God! You will never regret that decision!

God bless the rest of your day as you commit yourself to serving the Lord!