Lunch Devo: Matthew 15:13

Lunch Devo: Did you realize that your Heavenly Father has planted eternal life, hope, salvation, love, holiness, joy, faith, righteousness, etc. in you? Did you also realize that Jesus wants to pull out anything that is in you not planted there by the Father?

Many of us walk through this life operating out of lies, filled with resentment, having a bitter and cold heart toward someone who hurt us, and so-on, but did you know that these things are not planted by our Father in Heaven and they are not healthy for us at all? We have to allow Jesus the space necessary to come into the depths of our hearts and to uproot those harmful and destructive weeds that will inevitably choke out the good and fruitful seeds that are planted there in our heart when we receive the Lord into our lives.

John 10:10 tells us that the enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy our lives. The impact he can have on an individual is to the level that this person doesn’t allow Jesus the freedom to uproot strongholds and to walk in the fullness of life that Christ Himself offers them! We can walk free of these unhealthy seeds in our lives planted by the devil by choosing to dig deep into our hearts and exposing these unhealthy roots to the Master Gardener waiting with His tool of deliverance to uproot and heal our hearts!

  • Does Christ Jesus have full access to the depths of your heart?
  • Do you have any unhealthy roots of bitterness, resentment, hatred, anger, unbelief, etc. at work in your life right now? Are you willing to repent of these things and to turn them over to the healing power of Jesus to uproot them from your life?
  • Have you praised God for the nurturing care He provides for you in uprooting bad seeds and planting seeds that produce life in their place? Will you now?

Start paying attention to the weeds that are blocking the potential for growth in other areas of your life. When you discover them, be willing to repent and turn those unhealthy roots over to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

God bless you!