Lunch Devo: Romans 8:16

Lunch Devo: Happy Son and Daughter Day! Honestly, I never even knew there was such a thing, but since there is and today is that day we will choose to celebrate the fact that those who have accepted Christ as Savior are now adopted into God’s family and called His sons and daughters! Whew-hoo! We have a Daddy (Abba), a Heavenly Daddy that loves to bless His children with good gifts and love beyond measure!

I do not know how your earthly parents treated you, and I understand that it may be difficult for you to celebrate anything that has to do with being someone’s child because of the pain that you have had to endure through an unhealthy relationship here on this planet, but I can say with absolute confidence that the relationship you can have with the Heavenly Father will never end up in pain or rejection! Rejection and abandonment are some of the hardest pains to overcome in our lives, but Heb 13:5 tells us that our Heavenly Father will never leave us or abandon us (that is both physically and emotionally!)! We are secure in His love and covenantal dedication to us – forever! O’ how good it is to be a son and daughter of the Most High King!

  • Do you consider yourself a son or daughter of God?
  • Do you understand what is yours now because you have been adopted into the Kingdom of God as His child? (You and I are now co-heirs with Christ, all that He has is ours!)
  • Have you called out to your Abba (Daddy) Father yet today to tell Him how much He means to you and how much you love Him? Will you right now?

God bless you, child of the Most High King!