Who Am I? – An Honest Evaluation of Humanity!

Song of the Day

“Who Am I?” by Casting Crowns

Devotional thought

When I look up at the heavens, which your fingers made, and see the moon and the stars, which you set in place, Of what importance is the human race, that you should notice them? Of what importance is mankind, that you should pay attention to them,

Psalm 8:3–4 (NET 2nd ed.)

I think that one of the most humbling exercises I can do is go outside in the evening and look up at the stars. It reminds me that I am not the center of the universe and that the world is much bigger than anything I am dealing with at the time.

See, humanity has a way of focusing the narrative of life all upon itself, but the Scripture paints a much bigger, and better, picture of life and majesty. Life is found in God and His majestic creation, of which we are a part – not the whole!

The majestic and holy God of the universe reveals His majesty through the works of His hands, for the sake of His reputation. And , although insignificant compared to Him, humanity is the method He has chosen to showcase His majesty! Who are we that He would be mindful of us, after all we have done to stray from His wonderful love and mercy shown toward us?

He still chooses to be patient with us and offer us grace by His loving kindness. We do not deserve such a gift of God’s grace and mercy. We were against Him and completely set upon our selfish and sinful ways. Yet God, in His kindness, chose to redeem us and provide life everlasting to us through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ! Who are we that He would demonstrate such love?

Making the personal connection

See, I think it would behoove all of humanity to honestly evaluate themselves before a holy and loving God who shows each person equal opportunity and kindness to come to Him for a chance at redemption. As the Psalmist above states, we should all be humbled at the fact that God even chooses to think of us at all! But, again in the Psalms we see that God’s thoughts toward us are innumerable.

Can you imagine that right now God is choosing to think of you and me? Of what importance am I that I would be on the mind of God?

If I told you that right now the President of the United States is thinking about you and wanting to have a relationship with you, how honored would you feel? How about the Governor of your state? How about anyone else in the highest positions of authority in the world? Well, has it occurred to you that the Creator of all of those people, and you and me, is thinking about you and would like to have a relationship with you right now?

Does that stir up feeling of unworthiness in you? It should! I know it does for me, but I am also overcome by extremely deep feelings of gratitude as I reflect upon such unfathomable thoughts!

The honest evaluation of humanity is that at our best we are still unworthy to be accepted and approved of by the Holy God of the universe! We are sinful people that do not deserve to be shown grace and kindness.

God sent His Son into the world to save the world, yet the world didn’t recognize him and chose darkness over the light He brought into this world! You and I, no matter what stage of your faith journey you are at right now, were part of that world too. That world that denied the reality of a Savior, or better yet our need for that Savior.

We were bent on living our lives for ourselves. And yet, God loved us enough to die for us and demonstrate His love and faithfulness toward us – even while we were yet sinners!

That is true love, and that love is available to all who call upon Jesus Christ! Who are we that He would extend such grace and kindness? It’s not about us! The question is, who is He? He is majestic, holy, light, love, mercy, kind, gracious, King, Savior, and take as much time as you need to fill in the rest of the list!


Precious and gracious Father, I praise You for having such a thoughtful and caring nature Lord! I am humbled at the truth that I didn’t deserve Your kindness and love and You chose to show it to me anyways! I am asking that You help me to stay focused upon You and make my life more about You than myself! Help me to recognize any pride in my life and to repent of acting like the world revolves around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 2 Samuel 7:18-22,
  • Psalm 139:1-18,
  • Psalm 8:1-9,

Memory Verse

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