Worship without sight

It is easy to worship things that are visible to us. Worship is defined as the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. I don’t think that we struggle so much with the “worship” aspect as much as the “deity” part. See, we can make just about anything into a “deity” of sorts that will take our time and attention, our reverence and awe. My purpose here is to take the adoration and stimulation from the seen things and help us apply that passion and worship unto the unseen and invisible God of the Universe. We are all worshiping something at all points in our lives whether we realize it or not, but I want to help direct that worship to the only true God who alone deserves it!

This will require something that is super uncomfortable to most of us – faith. Faith is defined in Hebrews as being sure of what we hope for and convinced of what we do not see (Heb. 11:1). Worship Eyes is a blog to help us discover things in Scripture and our daily lives that point out the effects that the unseen God has on every area of our lives. It is designed to stimulate our thinking in such a way that it goes beyond physical sight and transports us into the spiritual realm. When all that we worship is what we see, then faith is not present and we are missing a blessing that is only received by faith.

We are robbing God of the Glory that He deserves when all of what we worship is based upon sight. There are things that are happening in the unseen realm that sustain us, provide for us, protect us, increase our joy, etc. We need to be able to lift up our praises at any point, regardless of what is seen around us, because of the truth that our God is constantly working all things out for our good (for those that love Him and are called according to His purposes – see Romans 8:28). I know that it is harder to do so when life seems to be falling apart around us, when culture seems to be dismissing the very existence of God, and when we just can’t seem to see Him at work anywhere, but this is precisely when it is the most important for us to choose to offer up worship to Him! It is in these moments that faith is engaged and blessing is always poured out when we activate faith!

My encouragement then is to depend more upon faith in the unseen and allow worship to flow from a place of conviction and belief rather than to depend on only what our eyes are able to see. In my experience, when we do this the things that we do see become enhanced through the filter of worship by faith. When that happens we will experience more joy and life in all that we engage in. As we experience more joy and life, our lives will more accurately reflect the beauty of our Creator, and thereby bring Him more glory! This is the chief end of all of mankind – isn’t it?