Lunch Devo: 1 Timothy 4:7

Lunch Devo: It is Friday the 13th, and I am challenged through the Scriptures not to get caught up in myths and superstitions, but to be godly in my actions and thoughts. It says here in 1 Timothy 4:7 to reject myths, so I wonder if we are applying this to our lives right now or if we are buying into the hype that comes along with this day?

Ps 118:24 tells us that every day is the day that the Lord has made, and that we should rejoice and be glad in it. We should definitely not be fearful of some superstitious activity, or hiding somewhere with garlic scattered all around us!

Seriously, garlic was used as a remedy for warding off vampires and the “evil eye”?. There is absolutely no need for a garlic remedy to ward off evil when we have the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives! He is the only Spiritual force we need to ward off any and all evil forces trying to sway us, not just on Friday the 13th but on any day! Please do not even entertain these foolish thoughts and superstitions, but keep your mind sharp on godliness and the light of Christ.

On days like this our culture wants to darken things up and create this sense of fear and speculation, but those of us who are God’s children need not fear at all because Christ’s light has been manifest in us and through that light we will cast out all works of darkness! Praise the Lord!

  • Do you entertain myths and works of darkness on Friday the 13th?
  • Do you feel that God is honored by a day dedicated to superstitions and haunted tales?
  • Should the godly get wrapped up in the hype of this day, or should we choose to worship a little louder and lift up our praises even more to dispel all of the darkness associated with a day like this?
  • Will you worship the Lord even now?

Remember that this is the day that the Lord has made, so remember to spend time rejoicing in it and not giving the works of darkness even an opportunity to steal your joy through myths and falsehoods!

God bless your day!