Lunch Devo: Philippians 2:3-4

Lunch Devo: Today’s encouragement is to live unselfishly by being considerate of others. The command is to do nothing from selfish ambition, and to consider others more significant than ourselves! I know that this is a very tall order, right? How much of our lives are given to caring for our needs; to eat right, to exercise, to learn, etc. So what is Paul talking about here?

Paul is not saying to neglect yourself, he is saying to choose to accommodate another’s needs before your own. It says in Philippians 2:4 that we need to look after our own needs, but not to stop at our own needs and forget the needs of others around us. This takes HUMILITY! Choosing to consider the other’s needs above our own is hard to do, but it is so Christ-like, isn’t it?

We read in Philippians 2:5 that our attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who lowered Himself by becoming a man and dying on a Cross in our place! Now that is being considerate! Let’s make these verses our MO (modus operandi, way of operating), so that when people think of us they think of Christ-like attitudes of selflessness and consideration!

  • Do you think you are doing a good job of putting other people’s needs above your own right now?
  • Would your spouse, children, co-workers, etc., think of you as selfless and considerate in your attitude and actions with them? Have you asked them?
  • Will you repent of any selfish tendencies you may have, and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a humble spirit that is Christ-like in considering the interests of others above your own?

God bless your day!