Lunch Devo: Colossians 3:15

  • What, or who is ruling your heart right now?
  • Are you grateful for all that God has given you today?
  • Do you have peace in your life?
  • Have you worshiped God today for the peace that He has given us in Christ?

I love the command in our verse today, “Let the peace of Christ rule your heart…”. It leaves me wondering, “How, Lord, am I supposed to do that?” I would love to have peace rule my life, but I have this issue right now that is in the way of me experiencing that peace.

To this I can hear my Savior say, “Son, choose Me, surrender to Me, call upon Me, and release the results of this issue to Me.” Having peace is a choice we make! Philippians 4 tells us to be anxious for nothing, but in everything to offer up prayers. It is a choice we make. We must choose to cast our cares upon the Lord and trust Him with the results, and this will allow the peace of Christ to rule our heart!

God bless the rest of your day with a peace that surpasses understanding!