Re-Post: God is Able, Do You Believe?

Our King Jesus lives! The tomb is empty! And we are His forever!

He hears us!

He sees us!

And, He knows us!

We believe that anything we ask according to His will is ours in Christ (1 John 5:14)! We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ, and we will believe that we are living under the shadow of the Almighty’s protective wing!

Child of God, BELIEVE IT! Start confessing the promises you have in Christ, and watch your faith increase as your doubts decrease!

This is My Confidence, You’ve Never Failed Me Yet!

Trust in God’s power and ability and not in your own faith! Our faith is wavering and weak most of the time (if we’re honest), but God is faithful and dependable at all times!
Enjoy today’s devotional based on the song, Do It Again!

Magnify God! He is Near to the Broken-hearted! Worship Devotional

Magnify (God is Near), is a new song to the Church written by Joel Huffman and the EBC songwriting team, and it helps us to do just what I spoke of earlier. It is a declaration to magnify and glorify the God who is near, to call upon Holy Spirit to reveal (to magnify!) that God is with us at all times! To declare that He is our refuge and to remind us that He hears us when we cry!

Take “It” To the Lord in Prayer! Worship Devotional

What a privilege indeed! To be able to take it to the Lord in prayer. Why do we not access this precious gift more often? Why do we wait for things to get so bad before we resort to the very first channel of healing and help that we have – prayer?

What are the Implications of a Holy Spirit Invitation? Worship Devotional

I think we need to take very seriously the words we are singing when we invite Holy Spirit to come and have His way among us individually and corporately! Do we believe that He will show up? And if He does intervene, are we flexible enough to allow Him to interrupt the plans we have in place?

Are You Still Seeking Your Savior? Worship Devotional

Are you desperate for God to show up in a specific way in your life, or the lives of those you love? Seek Him, and you will find Him, when you seek for Him with all of your heart!
Enjoy today’s devotional!

How many Reasons to Bless the Lord? Worship Devotional

Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits child of God! I promise that 10,000 blessings is just the beginning place for the many reasons we can utter praise to the God who saved us!
Enjoy today’s devotional!