Are You Still Seeking Your Savior? Worship Devotional

Are you desperate for God to show up in a specific way in your life, or the lives of those you love? Seek Him, and you will find Him, when you seek for Him with all of your heart!
Enjoy today’s devotional!

The Message that Moves Us Out of the Grave and Into Life! Worship Devotional

I pray that the truth of the Gospel encourages you to face this day with life and energy, hope and confidence, and intentionality as you sense the light of Christ shining through you to others around you!
Enjoy today’s devotional based on the song called, “Your Love Awakens Me”!

How many Reasons to Bless the Lord? Worship Devotional

Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits child of God! I promise that 10,000 blessings is just the beginning place for the many reasons we can utter praise to the God who saved us!
Enjoy today’s devotional!

The Hope of One Day! Worship Devotional

There really is nothing like hope! Hope keeps us looking forward and not looking backwards! It holds the power to help us overcome our present struggles, and gives us encouragement to face the future with confidence.
I pray that today’s devotional content reminds you of the hope you can have in Christ!

What is the Treasure Hidden in Jars of Clay? Worship Devotional

Today’s song speaks of an amazing grace that raises up the broken to life, that sees a dying Savior with love in His eyes as He lays Himself down and saves a wretch like me! This is the Gospel message, and it is a treasure indeed!
I pray that you are encouraged as you read today’s devotional content!

The Truth that Never Gets Old! Worship Devotional

God really loves us is a sentiment that should be the source of our joy, hope, and the experience of our life of faith.

Today’s devotional is an encouragement to not allowing the truth of God’s love not to become dull in our heart!

How Do You Respond to the Glorious God? Worship Devotional

Does your soul cry out in response to the Lord’s holiness? What is your response to the God of all glory?

Read today’s devotional based on the song by Brian and Katie Torwalt called “Glorious” to learn more!