Take Him at His Word and Deed! – My Savior My God

Like me, you may be utterly perplexed by the idea of a Savior coming to make His dwelling among us to save us from our sins. It’s ok to be perplexed about this, but don’t allow what cannot be fully understood to stop you from believing it by faith!

The Truth that Never Gets Old! Worship Devotional

God really loves us is a sentiment that should be the source of our joy, hope, and the experience of our life of faith.

Today’s devotional is an encouragement to not allowing the truth of God’s love not to become dull in our heart!

Living, Dying, Buried, Risen, and Coming Again! Worship Devotional

Jesus left His place of Glory, Heaven, and came to this Earth to fulfill the Father’s plan of redemption. The Earth was full of sin and darkness, and there was nothing that mankind was able to do on its own to produce light. We need a Savior, we needed light to overcome the darkness!

Christmas is a Time for Rejoicing! Worship Devotional

Although I do understand how a person can be sorrowful at this time, I still feel a real call to exhort everyone to choose joy! Joy is a choice, it is an invitation to come and behold the King! When the Wise Men of Matthew 2 saw the star that was pointing them to the Babe, they shouted joyfully and went to Him immediately! This would be my encouragement to you as well! Shout for Joy, Jesus is here!

The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!

Joy, Because the Lord HAS Come! Worship Devotional

Have you seen the glories of His righteousness and the wonders of His love in your life? If so, you understand what Peter was saying in 1 Pet 1:8 when he said that we are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy! Respond by singing and lifting up your praises to God at all times!

The Christ who Came Into the World! Worship Devotional

Through this Child, all of the earth is blessed! All of humanity is now able to be delivered from the original enemy of our soul, Satan! The promised One has come and we rejoice in His arrival because we know that without it we would be utterly helpless to save ourselves!

Rejoice, God is With Us! Worship Devotional

Not only did Emmanuel come 2000+ years ago, but He comes and makes His dwelling in the lives of all who call on Him for salvation in the Person of the Holy Spirit! God makes His dwelling in the life of every believer today, and forever! For this reason, everyone who is godly should rejoice!

Grace that is Greater than all My Sin! Worship Devotional

2 John 1:3

Jesus came into this world full of grace and truth. In Him we find the fulfillment of the righteous requirements of the law. We are now under a new covenant of grace because of the perfect sacrifice He made on the cross. The penalty for our sins were laid upon Him, and now when we come to Him by faith His righteousness gets imputed (deposited) into our spiritual account!

Jesus Christ, Who is He To You?

encouragement in the Scriptures sited above that! It is so good to remind ourselves of Who it is that we are surrendered to and have asked to be our Lord and Savior. So, I want to just list a few things that I have found to be true of the Only Faithful and True expression of the Father who came and dwelt among us so that He could prove Himself to be the mighty Deliverer – Jesus Christ is His Name!