Christmas is a Time for Rejoicing! Worship Devotional

Although I do understand how a person can be sorrowful at this time, I still feel a real call to exhort everyone to choose joy! Joy is a choice, it is an invitation to come and behold the King! When the Wise Men of Matthew 2 saw the star that was pointing them to the Babe, they shouted joyfully and went to Him immediately! This would be my encouragement to you as well! Shout for Joy, Jesus is here!

Rejoice, God is With Us! Worship Devotional

Not only did Emmanuel come 2000+ years ago, but He comes and makes His dwelling in the lives of all who call on Him for salvation in the Person of the Holy Spirit! God makes His dwelling in the life of every believer today, and forever! For this reason, everyone who is godly should rejoice!

Rejoice, People of the Risen King! Worship Devotional

– Are you grateful that you are part of God’s royal family, chosen by God?

– Would you say that your life is characterized by joy and godliness?

– If not, what needs to change, and are you willing to repent today?

Joy in Today’s World?

Joy is that type of disposition that is not dependent upon the feelings we have (although the dictionary States that it is a “feeling” of great pleasure), but upon the choices we make daily to remain hopeful and dependent upon our Savior Jesus Christ. In the Christmas story found in Luke chapter 2, when the Angel appeared to the Shepherds he told them not to be afraid because he brings them good news that will bring great joy to many people (Luke 2:8-14). The Shepherds had a choice to make right then on whether to believe this angel, remain fearful, or to take courage and be filled with joy at the message he was giving them. the message was this, “Today your Savior is born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11). This was what was to bring great joy to many people!