Intentionally Living in the Joy of the Lord! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Joy of the Lord” by Rend Collective Devotional thought There are times we will not see God at work in a situation, or feel His hand in ours, but we must intentionally trust that He is there. I say intentionally because it is a hard thing for the mind to convince … Read more

The Advent of Joy – Worship Eyes

Everyone likes good news, and that is what the Gospel is – Good News! When the Angel said that a Savior is born to us, that was the best news to a people who were waiting for God to send the Deliverer. The Gospel is the very thing that grants us justification (a legal term that means to be declared legally righteous), forgiveness of our sins, peace, hope, love, faith, eternal life, etc. The person that has these things applied to their life is blessed and should be full of joy! 

Rejoice, God is With Us! Worship Devotional

Not only did Emmanuel come 2000+ years ago, but He comes and makes His dwelling in the lives of all who call on Him for salvation in the Person of the Holy Spirit! God makes His dwelling in the life of every believer today, and forever! For this reason, everyone who is godly should rejoice!

Rejoice, People of the Risen King! Worship Devotional

– Are you grateful that you are part of God’s royal family, chosen by God?

– Would you say that your life is characterized by joy and godliness?

– If not, what needs to change, and are you willing to repent today?

Rejoice at the Happy Day when God’s Love Awakened You!

Oh happy day indeed when Jesus washed all my sins away! May the love of God the Father make you alive today in Christ Jesus and regenerate a renewed Spirit within you that is full of worship for His delivering work in your life! He truly is mighty to save anyone who calls on His name! How great is our God!!