The Message that Moves Us Out of the Grave and Into Life! Worship Devotional

I pray that the truth of the Gospel encourages you to face this day with life and energy, hope and confidence, and intentionality as you sense the light of Christ shining through you to others around you!
Enjoy today’s devotional based on the song called, “Your Love Awakens Me”!

Celebrate the Day Your Soul was Saved! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “From the Day” by I Am They Scripture to reflect upon (Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!) 1 Pet 2:9-10, Rom 12:1, Ps 32:11, Ps 149:3-5, Ps 107:2, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 2:8, Devotional thought Oh how sweet it is to remember that wonderful day that … Read more

We Were Beggars, Now We’re Royalty! Worship Devotional

Our song of the day speaks of singing to the God who heals, the God who saves, the God who always makes a way! It reminds us of the God who opened the prison doors, parted the sea, turns beggars into royalty, prisoners into free citizens of the Kingdom of God!

Rejoice, People of the Risen King! Worship Devotional

– Are you grateful that you are part of God’s royal family, chosen by God?

– Would you say that your life is characterized by joy and godliness?

– If not, what needs to change, and are you willing to repent today?

Rejoice at the Happy Day when God’s Love Awakened You!

Oh happy day indeed when Jesus washed all my sins away! May the love of God the Father make you alive today in Christ Jesus and regenerate a renewed Spirit within you that is full of worship for His delivering work in your life! He truly is mighty to save anyone who calls on His name! How great is our God!!