Is God’s Love “Reckless”? Worship Devotional

From the outside looking in, from the world’s perspective (and probably the Church’s too), it appears that people who don’t deserve to be shown mercy are speaking of their lives forever changed by the love and goodness of God toward them. Many times we may wonder why, or how, “these people” would receive mercy from God after what “they” have done. Maybe we have forgotten the love that God showed us too, and how little we deserve that sort of grace!

Worship Devo: How Does Communion Apply To Me?

Communion is a spirit of fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ at all times! We do not have to wait till the first of the month (or whenever your church holds a special Communion service) to partake in Communion. We can, and should, be having a Communion service in our spirit at all times for what God did by sending us the Messiah to forgive us and provide for us everlasting life.

Entering Into the Rest God has Provided for Us.

I grew up in a religious system that believes that you cannot know for sure that you have salvation, all you can do is work hard your whole life to try to keep the laws of the Bible and the laws of the church and at the end of your life hope that you were able to somehow please God enough to be found worthy of His acceptance. This breaks my heart! There are billions of people in this world who are believing either the same thing or something close to this. I have watched the destruction of striving after this unattainable measure of goodness, and what it does to people. It sucks the life out of us, and inevitably it causes sin to spring up in those who are wore out from this striving. There are many works of darkness that plague people who are in religious systems that require works in order to be acceptable God. These systems are a direct refusal to accept the work that Jesus did so that we do not have to believe this, or adhere to any sort of “law” system, but have a child-like faith that accepts Him and believes that we are accepted in Him with God (Eph 2:14).

Jesus Christ, Who is He To You?

encouragement in the Scriptures sited above that! It is so good to remind ourselves of Who it is that we are surrendered to and have asked to be our Lord and Savior. So, I want to just list a few things that I have found to be true of the Only Faithful and True expression of the Father who came and dwelt among us so that He could prove Himself to be the mighty Deliverer – Jesus Christ is His Name!

You are Deeply Loved by God!

around us is decreasing in their capacity to understand true love. Please do not allow the influence of our culture to cause your hearing to become dull and your heart to become numb to the greatest message ever given!

Let’s Bless the Name of the King of kings!

As we seek to live our lives in godly ways, modeling the Kingdom life in Heaven, we need to remember often the Deep Love of the Father upon us evidenced by sending the King of kings down to earth to save us from our lives of sin and shame and to do great things for us that cause us to always bless His Holy Name!

The Great High Priest is My Friend!

When we realize that the battles we face in this life belong to the Lord and are overcome by crying out to Him from the inside out, then we will come Before the throne of God as His friends trusting in Him to be mindful of us and to answer our call for His deliverance. As we see Him at work in our lives, we will decide to Never stop singing to Him and telling others of His goodness!

A Place of Peace

I hope that through this post you will more readily have the tools you need in order to find the peace you are looking for in your life! It starts with a relationship with Christ Jesus, because that makes us righteous, and righteousness creates peace. I find it very interesting to note that Isaiah 57:2 also states that the one who is upright and righteous also finds rest! Peace creates a restful spirit that is fully trusting in the Lord to care for all of our needs! There is nothing quite like having that restful peace as a result of having a right relationship with God and the people around us!