Is God’s Love “Reckless”? Worship Devotional

From the outside looking in, from the world’s perspective (and probably the Church’s too), it appears that people who don’t deserve to be shown mercy are speaking of their lives forever changed by the love and goodness of God toward them. Many times we may wonder why, or how, “these people” would receive mercy from God after what “they” have done. Maybe we have forgotten the love that God showed us too, and how little we deserve that sort of grace!

The Advent of Love – Worship Eyes

Love came down to earth from Heaven, His name is Jesus! He is the expressed image of the Father’s love and dedication to humanity. God is love, and when He came to earth He brought love with Him. That love will transform anyone’s life that comes to Him by faith and lives according to His ways.

Love for God and love for one another are the two commands that sum up all of the other commands. There is no greater command in all of the Scriptures then for us to love! In John 15:12 Jesus tells us to love one another as He has loved us!

The Beautiful Name and Truth that Never Changes!

I have watched over the past few days people ridicule and weaponize words against people of opposing views, and it is so disheartening and quite frankly childish! I can’t stand living in such a political culture that we shame people and seek to destroy those who believe differently than us. Whatever happened to the arena of discussion and opinion that actually valued another’s point of view, and sought to learn and grow from it? Whatever happened to healthy examination of oneself, understanding that we could have it wrong and should be humble enough to admit it if that is the case? Why are we seeing so many people attacking opposing views with malicious intent, to absolutely silence the opposition?

Let’s Bless the Name of the King of kings!

As we seek to live our lives in godly ways, modeling the Kingdom life in Heaven, we need to remember often the Deep Love of the Father upon us evidenced by sending the King of kings down to earth to save us from our lives of sin and shame and to do great things for us that cause us to always bless His Holy Name!

The Great High Priest is My Friend!

When we realize that the battles we face in this life belong to the Lord and are overcome by crying out to Him from the inside out, then we will come Before the throne of God as His friends trusting in Him to be mindful of us and to answer our call for His deliverance. As we see Him at work in our lives, we will decide to Never stop singing to Him and telling others of His goodness!

Love is Primary

In Deuteronomy 6:5 we are told to “…love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength.” The essential aspect of our Covenant with the Lord (covenant means a binding agreement) is love! There is nothing more important to God than for us to understand His love for us and that we would love Him. This is why I say that Love is primary, because there is nothing more important to God in regard to us.