The Love that Provides Eternal Life! Worship Devotional

The Father’s arms are open for all who will come to Him to receive life and love! We praise the Lord for the love He has shown us! It is this love that gives sinners like myself an opportunity to receive salvation and redemption in this world! Are you thirsty for that sort of salvation, for that kind of love? Jesus says, “Come to Me and you will never thirst again”!

The Advent of Love – Worship Eyes

Love came down to earth from Heaven, His name is Jesus! He is the expressed image of the Father’s love and dedication to humanity. God is love, and when He came to earth He brought love with Him. That love will transform anyone’s life that comes to Him by faith and lives according to His ways.

Love for God and love for one another are the two commands that sum up all of the other commands. There is no greater command in all of the Scriptures then for us to love! In John 15:12 Jesus tells us to love one another as He has loved us!

Lead Me to the Cross! Worship Devotional

– How often do you return to the cross in your mind, reflecting upon the exchange that took place on it for you?

– Does the cross communicate love to you?

– Have you praised God for giving you a place to go to for the forgiveness of your sins and for the hope of a new life in Christ?
– Will you now?

Entering Into the Rest God has Provided for Us.

I grew up in a religious system that believes that you cannot know for sure that you have salvation, all you can do is work hard your whole life to try to keep the laws of the Bible and the laws of the church and at the end of your life hope that you were able to somehow please God enough to be found worthy of His acceptance. This breaks my heart! There are billions of people in this world who are believing either the same thing or something close to this. I have watched the destruction of striving after this unattainable measure of goodness, and what it does to people. It sucks the life out of us, and inevitably it causes sin to spring up in those who are wore out from this striving. There are many works of darkness that plague people who are in religious systems that require works in order to be acceptable God. These systems are a direct refusal to accept the work that Jesus did so that we do not have to believe this, or adhere to any sort of “law” system, but have a child-like faith that accepts Him and believes that we are accepted in Him with God (Eph 2:14).

What Are We Using our Freedom For?

There are so many who just look to use their freedom to serve themselves and their agenda’s, and it is creating a culture of selfishness and sinful indulgences that are leading us away from the blessings of Christ. We need to get back to God! We need to go to Him and repent, seek His forgiveness, turn from our wicked ways, and live our lives in godly and morally upright ways! Freedom is useless if we don’t apply it to our lives, and living under the bondage of sin is not using the freedom that Christ purchased for us to bring us blessing! Please decide today to crucify your fleshly desires and to follow the Spirit of life into a full life of freedom! Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. So, walk in step with God’s Spirit and enjoy the blessings that come along with living holy lives!

Is it Your Joy to Say, “Your Will, Your Way!”?

So, when you are tempted to forget the freedom that you have in Christ because of the unfailing love that was shown through His death, burial, and resurrection, please remember that when you made your way to the Cross and received forgiveness of your sins through belief and repentance our God adopted you and called you His child forever! He has purchased your inheritance into His Kingdom, and desires for you to walk in the abundant life of freedom that is yours in Christ. When we open our hearts to this understanding and lay ourselves down in order to receive more of Him, that is when we will truly appreciate the level of wholeness and freedom that is ours in Christ! Surrender to Him and watch how He transforms the tyranny of sin into the grace of freedom!

Whatever May Come We Need to Stand in the Love of God

As we look to God to be near to us and to answer our calls to Him for help in life’s various trials and joys, we need to remain steady in the love of God and declaring to others around us of how He is turning the nastiness of our lives into opportunities for His praise! God is always deserving of our dedication and worship!

Love Recklessly and Hope Expectantly

I pray that as you entrust the battles of your life to the Lord, that you would experience His reckless love as you recognize His voice and discover the hope that comes through submission to the Name of Jesus Christ and the grace that He gives us!