What is the Captivating Force in Your Life? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Captivate Us” by Watermark Devotional thought In today’s world, to ask anyone to have a singular focus is just about ludicrous! Our attention is being pulled many directions by captivating forces around us. Some are good and some are bad, but sensory overload is happening to many of us. The Bible … Read more

The Love that Provides Eternal Life! Worship Devotional

The Father’s arms are open for all who will come to Him to receive life and love! We praise the Lord for the love He has shown us! It is this love that gives sinners like myself an opportunity to receive salvation and redemption in this world! Are you thirsty for that sort of salvation, for that kind of love? Jesus says, “Come to Me and you will never thirst again”!

The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!

Captivated By The Presence Of Our Savior! Worship Devotional

For Christ to captivate us means to give Him the full focus and attention He deserves in our lives. I hope and pray that you are allowing His gracious presence to captivate you this Christmas season! Let’s be focused on our Savior’s voice and presence, His beauty and light, His loving arms and gentle hands that provide healing! Oh that we would all dwell in the captivating presence of our Holy Fountain of blessing – Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, Who is He To You?

encouragement in the Scriptures sited above that! It is so good to remind ourselves of Who it is that we are surrendered to and have asked to be our Lord and Savior. So, I want to just list a few things that I have found to be true of the Only Faithful and True expression of the Father who came and dwelt among us so that He could prove Himself to be the mighty Deliverer – Jesus Christ is His Name!

You are Deeply Loved by God!

around us is decreasing in their capacity to understand true love. Please do not allow the influence of our culture to cause your hearing to become dull and your heart to become numb to the greatest message ever given!

Celebrating the Power of the Resurrected Christ!

Easter is a day where the culmination of a year long compiling of undeniable evidences of a risen Savior at work in our lives gets expressed through worship and praise! It is the most important day for followers of Christ, because without the hope of its message we are utterly hopeless and to be pitied by all (see 1 Cor 15:16-19)! But, we are not hopeless and we are not to be pitied because the evidence of Christ’s resurrection has been examined and we have found it to be overwhelmingly accurate and true! Since it is true, that makes us the most joyful and free people in the entire world, because our Savior paved the way necessary for us all to access everlasting life in His name! This is what Easter represents, Life everlasting by the victory of Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

The Awakening Love of God Shown in Christ Alone

When we find the Truth of God’s love displayed by sending His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save it, then we can use that Beautiful Name to overcome any and all the “giants” in our lives. We will see that in Christ alone we will overcome the spirit of fear and death, and trust His love to awaken us to the abundant life that He promised us through His Word!

Where Do You Run When Pain Comes?

I heard this question form a lady that is part of the Prayer ministry that I have the privilege to lead. When I heard it I asked if I could use it for a title to my next blog, because I believe that it is a profound question that must be addressed by all of … Read more

Do You Worry about Provision?

Jesus Christ is the picture of God’s ultimate and complete act of provision! He provided protection and salvation from the wrath of God upon us. We were in need of a deliverer (even if we didn’t realize it), and God supplied his Son to provide the forgiveness, love, and intercession that we all needed. That is the best act of provision that He has ever accomplished in my humble opinion, and I will be forever grateful!