Lives of Faith bring Glory to God!

The best way to return glory to God is to live a faithful life according to how God wants us to live! Faith in God demands obedience to His will and ways.

In today’s devotional, we learn from how Abraham believed God and how that faith returned glory to God. I hope as you read this content today that your faith will increase and your life will return glory to God forever!

The Love that Overcomes Whatever We Face! Worship Devotional

God has assured us that when we call to Him, He will answer. When we ask for His help, He is the One who will be nearer than anything or anyone as we go through difficulties. He does not promise us a life free of trials, but He does promise to be with us in the trials!

God Makes a Way Where There Seems to be No Way! Worship Devotional

Deut 31:8

– Are you struggling with trusting God to make a way for you to get through a difficult situation right now?

– Have you seen God move in your life, and if so what is stopping you from having confidence that God will not fail you now, or ever?

– Will you choose to trust God now and to leave your situation in His faithful hands?

Are You Resolved To Trust God No Matter What Comes? Worship Devotional

In the night moments of your life, are you able to call upon the Lord and trust that He will protect and uphold you through it?

Are you able to choose faith over fear when things get difficult?

Do you believe that God is able to deliver, and that He is still good even if you don’t get the deliverance you thought you needed?

How do we Navigate the Desert Seasons of Life? Worship Devotional

I don’t know if you are in that “dry” place right now, a place where you don’t have much more to give. Are you exhausted, maybe you have received a diagnosis that you weren’t prepared for, maybe you are having marital issues that can’t seem to be resolved, the list goes on and on and on! But I do know the One that you can call on which will be your help in a time of need, His name is Jesus Christ.

Lunch Devo: Psalm 97:1

Lunch Devo: “The Lord Reigns!” Do you believe this message? How much of your life is lived as if you believe this message? (Do you make decisions based on this, do you speak to people in a way that would prove this, are you characterized by joy and peace, etc.) Does it produce joy in … Read more

Lunch Devo: 2 Samuel 7:22

There are times in our life that we will come upon a situation that seems insurmountable to us, like we have no idea how we will ever be able to get through it. Each day we need wisdom, direction, healing, etc., and if it is left to us we will be utterly helpless to get … Read more

Lunch Devo: Isaiah 40:29-31

We will grow weary and become frail physically. This is just a sad reality in life, but we still have an option to not grow weary and tired spiritually! God promises to give us strength, to renew our energy, to help us rise up and run the race of faith! This promise is to all … Read more

Where Do You Run When Pain Comes?

I heard this question form a lady that is part of the Prayer ministry that I have the privilege to lead. When I heard it I asked if I could use it for a title to my next blog, because I believe that it is a profound question that must be addressed by all of … Read more

Are You Seeing Your Job as a Means of Enjoying Life?

See, for us who know God as our personal Savior and Provider, we are able to see beyond the cares and concerns of our day and see the bigger picture of what we do and why we do it. We sense the bigger purpose behind our labor. We work as unto the Lord. We work with purity and honesty, along with integrity. We work because we know that we have a strong opportunity to witness to a lost world around us through our efforts in our job. So, we are able to do our best and then leave it there while we trust God to work things out for us. Trusting in God makes all things better. Remember that Proverbs 3:15-16 tells us to rely upon Him and He will make our paths straight. Maybe that is applicable to our job too??