Lunch Devo: Isaiah 40:29-31

We will grow weary and become frail physically. This is just a sad reality in life, but we still have an option to not grow weary and tired spiritually! God promises to give us strength, to renew our energy, to help us rise up and run the race of faith!

This promise is to all who wait on the Lord’s help. Those who trust in the Lord will receive His renewed strength throughout their lives, even though our physical body may be tired! It is hard to see those we love decay physically and become weak, but it is such an inspiration to see those in that condition trusting in God and living vibrant spiritually at the same time! Let’s all remain dependent upon our God, resting in Him, and trusting in His ability to strengthen us each day.

  • Are you trusting in the Lord today to give you renewed strength?
  • Have you allowed your physical condition to suck the spiritual joy and strength out of you?
    • If you have, will you repent now and seek God’s renewing strength for your life?
  • Will you take a minute to worship the Lord for His promise to restore your strength as you rely upon Him?

God bless the rest of your day with His strength and hope.