Lunch Devo: Isaiah 14:24

Have you ever had a great plan that never actually worked out how you anticipated? Of course you have! It is so stinking frustrating when things do not go as planned. This is something that God never has to worry about. His plans are perfect and always work out just like He envisioned.

Did you know that God has a plan for your life? It is the truth. He knew you before the foundations of the earth, and the days of your life are recorded (Ps 139:16) in His scroll somewhere! Wow, that is hard to grasp, but I believe it to be true. Well, since this is the case, isn’t it going to be a lot less stressful if I just submit myself to His plans for my life? Wouldn’t it be better to turn over my itinerary to the perfect Guide that has already put together a great journey for me? Yes, I think so.

  • Do you trust God’s plans and His purpose for your life?
  • Have you asked Him to reveal the plans He has in store for you?
  • Have you worshiped Him for caring enough about you to actually plan your life and have a purpose for you in His ultimate plan for eternity?

God bless the rest of your day as you reflect on this truth – YOUR LIFE MATTERS!