Lunch Devo: 2 Samuel 7:22

There are times in our life that we will come upon a situation that seems insurmountable to us, like we have no idea how we will ever be able to get through it. Each day we need wisdom, direction, healing, etc., and if it is left to us we will be utterly helpless to get through these various situations. There is good news though, we have a God that is able to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine (see Eph 3:20), and He is waiting for us to communicate our need to Him!

There is no one like our God! There is no situation that will ever stump Him. He is able to do anything! So we need to cry out to Him with our desires and needs, trusting Him to do what only He can do – the impossible! Jesus Himself said that with man it may be impossible, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE (see Mark 10:27). Do you no anyone else who can make that claim? No, it is only the One true God who alone is able to do the impossible, because there is none like Him!

  • Are you trusting in the One and Only God to meet your needs today?
  • Have you been looking to something/someone else to be your god?
    • If so, will you repent right now for this sin?
  • Will you offer up your praises to the Lord today for being unique and the One and Only God?

God bless the rest of your day as you trust in His unique abilities to help you in your life!