Lunch Devo: Proverbs 5:21

How does it make you feel to know that your ways are in full view of God? Do you feel fear or love when you hear that God is watching you? Is there anything you need to repent of that you have been doing without the realization that God is watching you? Will you do … Read more

Lunch Devo: 2 Samuel 7:22

There are times in our life that we will come upon a situation that seems insurmountable to us, like we have no idea how we will ever be able to get through it. Each day we need wisdom, direction, healing, etc., and if it is left to us we will be utterly helpless to get … Read more

Is the Word of Christ Dwelling in You?

This is a reference to Christ’s teachings, the Gospel message, and/or the Bible as a whole. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly”, I believe this to be a call to allow the Word of God to be the most evident influence in the dish of your life! When we do allow this to influence everything about us, we will inevitably be a much more “tasty” treat for others to be around. The smell and taste of your life will begin to show forth fruits such as the ingredients that we have been discussing for the past several posts, such as; a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiving, etc. (I have been using a clothing analogy in previous points, but think of all of those virtues as ingredients to the dish of your life). This kind of a life is certainly a sweet smelling offering to the Lord and to the people around us!

Is the Word of Christ Dwelling in You?

This is a reference to Christ’s teachings, the Gospel message, and/or the Bible as a whole. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly”, I believe this to be a call to allow the Word of God to be the most evident influence in the dish of your life! When we do allow this to influence everything about us, we will inevitably be a much more “tasty” treat for others to be around. The smell and taste of your life will begin to show forth fruits such as the ingredients that we have been discussing for the past several posts, such as; a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiving, etc. (I have been using a clothing analogy in previous points, but think of all of those virtues as ingredients to the dish of your life). This kind of a life is certainly a sweet smelling offering to the Lord and to the people around us!

Using our Freedom Properly

“Live as free people” is what the verse says above, and I believe it is profound! We all have the freedom to say anything that we want – at any time (As Americans anyways). That can be very bad, or that can be very good! In the negative sense, the Bible says that we have the power of death in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). That is very scary and it should make us think twice before we speak! The very words we speak can and will shape our lives, the tone of the conversations, the disposition of the people around us, and so-on. Using the freedom we have to do evil (e.g. gossip, slander, dishonor, etc.) is never going to bring about anything good and profitable, so let’s not do that. On the contrary, in the verse referenced above it says that the power of life is in the tongue as well (Proverbs 18:21). This is where the “slaves to God” comes into play. Choosing to speak good and noble things instead of letting any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths (Ephesians 4:29), we are speaking life and encouragement into people’s lives as opposed to death and anxiety.

The Duty of Mankind

I remember growing up as an Amish boy, and whenever I would be around my elderly relatives having an immense amount of respect for them. You didn’t talk to them in any sort of disrespectful tone, you didn’t disobey them, you acted in a quiet and respectful manner whenever they were around. It was not that I had to be told to do this, I just somehow understood it.