The Duty of Mankind

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (NET) “Having heard everything, I have reached this conclusion: 

Fear God and keep his commandments,  because this is the whole duty of man.”

I love the simplistic answer given by the wisest man in the world to the question, “What is the whole sum of our responsibility as human beings?” Fear God and keep His commandments!

  • I am not sure what struggle you are facing right now, but fear God and keep His commandments.
  • I do not know the joy that you are experiencing, but fear God and keep His commandments.
  • I have no way of knowing the depth of your relationship with God Almighty, but fear Him and keep His commandments.
  • I am not sure what your financial status is right now, but fear God and keep His commandments.
  • I do not know what temptation is lurking at the door of your heart, but fear God and keep His commandments.
  • I am not sure what is hindering your worship today, but fear God and keep His commandments.
  • I do not know the area in your life that you are seeking wisdom for, but fear God and keep His commandments.

Do you get it?

Why does the teacher (Solomon) say that this is his conclusion to having searched the world intentionally trying to find the meaning in life (Ecclesiastes 1:13)? I believe that it is because he came to understand that life is most complete and full when we live in observance of God’s ways and design for our lives. Jesus says in John 10:10 that He came to give us life and life to the fullest! That is what I want, and I am fairly confident that you are seeking the same thing. Well, fear God and keep His commandments!

What does it mean to fear God?

  • Am I supposed to hang my head in shame every time I approach Him because of the list of bad things that I have done? No
  • Am I supposed to shake and tremble at the very mention of His name? Maybe
  • Am I expected to be captivated by awe whenever I consider the vastness of His being and yet the closeness of His presence? Yes!

It means to have a healthy respect for who He is and what He expects of us. Micah 6:8 tells us the answer to the latter, “He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord really wants from you: He wants you to promote justice, to be faithful, and to live obediently before your God.” Exodus 15:11 gives us this example for the former, “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you?—majestic in holiness, fearful in praises, working wonders?” This is the picture of awe, reverence, and utter respect for the complete “other-ness” (I do not know how else to say it??) of God. He is holy (which means set apart completely), His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts! He is God, Fear Him!

This fear is responsible for our wisdom and understanding, our righteousness and peace, our correction and worship, and so-on. It is the beginning place of understanding God. It is the ending place of the mystery of life after a wise man’s search of the world to find meaning in it. It is where each of us will end up once we meet Him face to face. And it is where each of us must remain once we have encountered Him personally in our lives. Fear God!

I remember growing up as an Amish boy, and whenever I would be around my elderly relatives having an immense amount of respect for them. You didn’t talk to them in any sort of disrespectful tone, you didn’t disobey them, you acted in a quiet and respectful manner whenever they were around. It was not that I had to be told to do this, I just somehow understood it. Just the very presence of my Grandpa in a room demanded attention and respect, without him ever even saying anything to that effect. Unfortunately, I very rarely see this anymore. I believe this is also happening with God in our culture – the lack of Fear for who He is. I hope that we see this trend stopped and the Name of God feared again soon! It must first start with me and you.

Keep His commandments. Not as a requirement for salvation, but as an evidence of your dedication and love for Him. In John 14:15 Jesus says so simply (by the way, I hope that you catch a theme here – the two wisest men who ever walked the face of the earth are constantly simplistic in their answers to the most complex questions we face, because God’s ways are easy and simple and attainable for everyone!), “If you love Me, you will obey My commandments.” Keeping His commandments is good to do because in them you will find security and blessing for your life. You will find hope and comfort in God’s Word. You will find help and instruction. You will receive answers for questions in any area of your life if you simply follow the principles laid out by God in the Bible. It is truly amazing how applicable God’s Word is when applied to your life. He loves you, and He has established basic commands and principles to protect you from hurts, false teachings (which can be very damaging to us!), despair, unrighteousness, etc. Follow His commands!

Be careful not to view this statement (Keep His commands) as one given by a tyrant dictator who demands submission for his benefit, but hear it coming from a loving Father who has all of your best interests in mind when He gives them. When my child rides his bike I tell him to stay away from the road. Not because I gain anything from that, or I want to limit him. It is because I love him and want him to remain safe and protected from potential danger that he is not even aware of. If I do this for my son, how much more does God do that for us? He is not a God standing above you pointing His finger at you with a stern look on His face, He is a loving Father who wants you to experience a great and fulfilling life both here on earth and for all of eternity! Praise His Name.

I pray that this inspires worship in your heart, and that you spend some time thanking God for his commands and reverentially expressing adoration for who He is! He loves us! Fear Him and Keep His commandments.

4 thoughts on “The Duty of Mankind”

  1. “Keep His commandments. Not as a requirement for salvation, but as an evidence of your dedication and love for Him.”

    Wow. This really spoke to me. Because of our salvation we want to serve Him and keep His commandments. He doesn’t need us to do anything other than accept Christ as Lord to receive salvation, but keeping His commandments is evidence of it. So then keeping His commandments is a form of gratitude and worship.Thank you for this wisdom!

    • Yes, this was transformational to my life when God showed it to me as well! It is an act of worship to follow the commands of the Lord because it shows devotion to Him and His ways, and any time that we show devotion to Him – we worship Him (Romans 12:1-2)!! Thank you for your feedback.

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