Victory in the Blood of Jesus! Worship Devotional

So, what’s the deal with the blood? Why do we celebrate the fact that Jesus shed His blood for us? Well, to answer that we must understand the Old Covenant system for attaining forgiveness.
Learn more about that in today’s devotional based on the old hymns, “Power in the Blood” and “Victory in Jesus”!

What Can Wash Away My Sin? Worship Devotional

What can wash away our sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ! No other sacrifice will suffice! God is pleased and accepts that as the only way to become clean before Him, no other attempt to find complete forgiveness will do.

Worship Devo: Is God’s Forgiveness Producing Freedom in You?

I believe most of us can relate to the first couple lines of our song today, “God, I’m on my knees again, God I’m begging please again. I need You, Oh I need You!” Sin is a very present reality in our lives, and the battle against it can be very fierce at times, but the reality of forgiveness actually has the potential of allowing us the ability to overcome those nagging sins in our lives!

Is the Word of Christ Dwelling in You?

This is a reference to Christ’s teachings, the Gospel message, and/or the Bible as a whole. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly”, I believe this to be a call to allow the Word of God to be the most evident influence in the dish of your life! When we do allow this to influence everything about us, we will inevitably be a much more “tasty” treat for others to be around. The smell and taste of your life will begin to show forth fruits such as the ingredients that we have been discussing for the past several posts, such as; a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiving, etc. (I have been using a clothing analogy in previous points, but think of all of those virtues as ingredients to the dish of your life). This kind of a life is certainly a sweet smelling offering to the Lord and to the people around us!

Is the Word of Christ Dwelling in You?

This is a reference to Christ’s teachings, the Gospel message, and/or the Bible as a whole. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly”, I believe this to be a call to allow the Word of God to be the most evident influence in the dish of your life! When we do allow this to influence everything about us, we will inevitably be a much more “tasty” treat for others to be around. The smell and taste of your life will begin to show forth fruits such as the ingredients that we have been discussing for the past several posts, such as; a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiving, etc. (I have been using a clothing analogy in previous points, but think of all of those virtues as ingredients to the dish of your life). This kind of a life is certainly a sweet smelling offering to the Lord and to the people around us!

What Do You Allow to Control Your Heart?

Colossians 3:15 (NET)“Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart (for you were in fact called as one body to this peace), and be thankful.” Such a short and sweet verse holding in it a profound statement! Let the peace of Christ be in control of your heart. As we have been … Read more

To What Extent Should You Forgive Someone Else?

Colossians 3:13 (NET) “bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if someone happens to have a complaint against anyone else. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also forgive others.” As we have been discussing the articles of spiritual clothing that we are to “put on” each day, this article called forgiveness seems … Read more

How to be Pleasing to God in Our Worship!

Our bodies are reflective of our minds and hearts in worship. We offer up our bodies once we learn what is true of God, and so my question to you is: What is our body saying we believe to be true as we conduct ourself in the exercise of worship? When we sing are we engaged? When our Pastor preaches do we take notes or listen and follow along intently? When there are opportunities to serve, do we get involved? Are we praying? Are we tithing when it’s time to give? Do we understand that what we believe about God is what should compel these acts of sacrificial service? These are the things that we should consider when we look at Romans 12:1.