Rise Up into A Resurrected Life! – Worship Devotional

Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly! He calls us out of the grave and into resurrected life! And if He calls us to do that, we must believe that He equips us to do that too!

How to be Pleasing to God in Our Worship!

Our bodies are reflective of our minds and hearts in worship. We offer up our bodies once we learn what is true of God, and so my question to you is: What is our body saying we believe to be true as we conduct ourself in the exercise of worship? When we sing are we engaged? When our Pastor preaches do we take notes or listen and follow along intently? When there are opportunities to serve, do we get involved? Are we praying? Are we tithing when it’s time to give? Do we understand that what we believe about God is what should compel these acts of sacrificial service? These are the things that we should consider when we look at Romans 12:1.