The Name that Communicates Hope

Our Song of the Day, Hope Has a Name, does such a great job of reminding us that we hope in this world because we have a Savior that is victorious!
I pray this devotional will be a good reminder for you of the hope we have in Christ!

Magnify God! He is Near to the Broken-hearted! Worship Devotional

Magnify (God is Near), is a new song to the Church written by Joel Huffman and the EBC songwriting team, and it helps us to do just what I spoke of earlier. It is a declaration to magnify and glorify the God who is near, to call upon Holy Spirit to reveal (to magnify!) that God is with us at all times! To declare that He is our refuge and to remind us that He hears us when we cry!

Rise Up into A Resurrected Life! – Worship Devotional

Jesus came to give us life and life abundantly! He calls us out of the grave and into resurrected life! And if He calls us to do that, we must believe that He equips us to do that too!

Four Weeks of Expectation – Are You Prepared?

Advent not only is a time of expectation, it is a season of preparation as well. This may be one of the key elements of the “why” behind Advent. Whenever we are able to prepare our hearts in order to encounter God it is a “win”! That exercise will never be without great reward. We do not have to wait until a special season in order to do it either, we can examine and prepare our heart condition anytime throughout the year. But there are certain seasons where we are sort of forced into (or out of) different rhythms of life, and when that happens it is a very good thing to contemplate the condition of our hearts and minds.