Magnify God! He is Near to the Broken-hearted! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Magnify (God is Near)” by Eagleville Bible Church

Devotional thought

Oh how quickly we can forget that God is near to the broken-hearted! He assures us so many times that He is with us, that He will not leave us orphaned, and that He will never leave nor forsake us! So why do we tend to so quickly forget these promises when our hearts get broken?

Because, it is very difficult for the mind to convince the heart of anything (that’s an idea presented by author Greg Smalley in the book Fight Your Way to a Better Marriage)! What I mean is that our emotions will rob our intellect of rationale if we do not watch it. What we know to be true will all of a sudden look to be false when we are hurting, and/or fearful.

We must protect against this tendency we all will wrestle with from time to time. So, how do we do that? Worship, Prayer, and continually filling our mind with truth from God’s Word!

Magnify (God is Near), is a new song to the Church written by Joel Huffman and the EBC songwriting team, and it helps us to do just what I spoke of earlier. It is a declaration to magnify and glorify the God who is near, to call upon Holy Spirit to reveal (to magnify!) that God is with us at all times! To declare that He is our refuge and to remind us that He hears us when we cry!

See, we must remember the words of Christ when He said in John 16:33 that when we have troubles in this world (notice “when” not “if”) we should “take heart” because we know that He has overcome the world! And that is very significant in our trials because we know that His loving affection toward us never quits, it never fails. It believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things according to 1 Corinthians 13:7-8.

So, child of God, maybe today you need to spend time asking Holy Spirit to help you magnify and meditate on the goodness of God that will never leave you forsaken, never quit on you, and will always be your safe refuge to run to in your pain. Just maybe you are reading this today with a broken heart and Holy Spirit is reminding you even now that God is near to the broken-hearted – to you – as you endure this grief.

Oh that Holy Spirit would help your mind win out the battle over your emotions as you meditate on the truths of the Bible and find healing and help for the brokenness you feel right now.


My Father, the One who promises to be near to me in my pain. I praise and magnify Your holy name. I give You thanks for filling me even now with comfort and peace as I remember that You have promised to be with me always, even to the end of the age!

God, I am broken-hearted and in need of a fresh touch of Your mercy and grace right now. Thank You Holy Spirit for leading me into all truth because I know it has the power to give me peace and joy again. Please continue to minister to my heart and mind now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Psalm 34:18,
  • Psalm 34:3,
  • Psalm 69:30,
  • Psalm 145:18,
  • Isaiah 61:1-3,
  • John 16:33,
  • Romans 15:13,

Memory Verse

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