Are You Seeing Your Job as a Means of Enjoying Life?

“There is nothing better for people than to eat and drink, and to find enjoyment in their work. I also perceived that this ability to find enjoyment comes from God. For no one can eat and drink or experience joy apart from him.”(Ecclesiastes 2:24-25)

While it is still Labor Day week, I thought it might be appropriate to elaborate on the blessing that can come from being a laborer. While many in our culture might look down upon the idea of being a “Blue-collar” worker, I have found that there is great blessing and reward that comes from a hard day’s work! 

I will say though that I can associate with Solomon in Ecclesiastes 2:22-23 where he says, “What does a man acquire from all his labor and from the anxiety that accompanies his toil on earth? For all day long his work produces pain and frustration, and even at night his mind cannot relax! This also is futile!” I have experienced those restless nights and anxiety-filled days while at work, and it is futile indeed! 

I love how he calls it futile to be restless or to not enjoy the work that we have done over the course of the day. There needs to be a time when we just shut off the cares of the day and allow ourselves to enjoy the fruits from what our labor produces because we acknowledge that it is actually God that has given us these many blessings. If you are someone who “takes work home”, please understand that this will add much anxiety to your life and I urge you to consider doing something differently in order to stop doing this.

See, for us who know God as our personal Savior and Provider, we are able to see beyond the cares and concerns of our day and see the bigger picture of what we do and why we do it. We sense the bigger purpose behind our labor. We work as unto the Lord. We work with purity and honesty, along with integrity. We work because we know that we have a strong opportunity to witness to a lost world around us through our efforts in our job. So, we are able to do our best and then leave it there while we trust God to work things out for us. Trusting in God makes all things better. Remember that Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to rely upon Him and He will make our paths straight. Maybe that is applicable to our job too??

My Experiences

I had so many great opportunities to shine the light of Jesus Christ as I worked in the various industries that I have been fortunate to have worked in. I can remember leading others into a saving knowledge of Jesus while I was working in the Concrete construction field. Those days were filled with cares and weariness physically, but my joy and purpose was increasing daily (especially after Labor Day of 2007 when I repented and gave my life fully to Jesus as my Savior!). My toil was less burdensome because I found a deeper meaning to my existence, and I found a joy that is inexpressible in declaring my faith in Christ by my actions through working hard for my employer!

Solomon says that he perceived that this ability to find enjoyment in our work comes from God! I also can attest to the fact that when you work as unto the Lord, there is something that happens that helps you enter into a more meaningful approach to your day-in and day-out routines. You start to find enjoyment in things that used to be burdensome, you start to view yourself in a more humble manner and take opportunities to serve others more freely in your place of employment. 

I find it amazing that Solomon makes this statement, “For no one can eat and drink or experience joy apart from Him.” It would appear to us as we look around that there are many unbelieving people that are “finding enjoyment” apart from God, but the Scriptures are very clear that this is a fleeting joy that will ultimately end up producing much grief. Joy and peace come from God, and Him alone! When we look at our work through the lens of serving God, then is when we will truly find joy in our “toil”. I believe that it is God’s will that we all find great joy on this earth no matter what we are doing, and I know that it is only through Him that we will truly experience this joy!

To the point earlier about not having rest and being anxious, we need to understand that it is God who gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy according to Ecclesiastes 2:26. Much of our consternation is due to a lack of trust and reliance upon the Lord to provide the wisdom we need to figure out that problem at work, or the knowledge we need to address that relational issue we are having with one of our co-workers, or the joy we need to overcome the feeling of despair we feel about having to get up tomorrow and repeat this seemingly endless cycle of life that we are currently experiencing.

So, what are some things that we can do to enhance our current situation at work?


When we rely upon God, then we pray! If you need joy, ask Him. If you need Wisdom, ask Him (James 1:5). If you need knowledge about a certain situation, then ask God to increase your knowledge. He is faithful when we call upon Him, but we must ask Him! Pray.

Talk to your Employer/Supervisor

Many times there are situations that can be resolved when you just confront your supervisor, or boss, and tell them what your struggling with. Maybe there is another press you can work on, or there is another truck they can put you in, or there is another shift that you can work, or so-on. See, when we start operating as God wants us to, I believe that God rests His favor upon us and we end up being promoted or looked upon favorably by those that oversee us (I call this the Joseph and Daniel principle). Sometimes all it takes is an honest conversation with respect and gentleness. Also, it takes patience to allow your hard work and positive attitude to be noticed and appreciated by your Supervisors.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor

So often we end up working and working our whole lives and end up resenting our work because we simply didn’t take the time to enjoy the things that we are working for! Take vacations with your family, date nights with your spouse, home improvements that make you more comfortable in your home, etc. 

For some of us we need to do a little extra financial planning to make some of these things a reality in our present situation. If that is you then create a budget and stick to it. There are so many great resources that will help you start a budget, it just takes a little effort and some time and before you know it, you will be able to enjoy more fully the things that you are working for. In turn, that will help you enjoy your labor at work.

Change it!

Is there a law that says that you must continue in the present situation indefinitely? NO! If the job you currently have is causing you much grief, then seek other employment. I know that sometimes the very fact that we think we are stuck actually steals the joy that God intends for us in our work. There are lots of options available to us in the land of equal opportunity! Look into all of them for yourself.

Cultivate a heart of gratitude

Being thankful for our job goes a long way to being joyful in our job! We have to realize that it is a gift from God to have wealth, and the main way people attain wealth is through working at their job. The next time you; eat dinner, pull up to your house, get into your operational vehicle, collect your paycheck, and so-on, thank God for the job you have and the blessing it is to be able to work in order to provide for you and your family. I am telling you, it changes the way you look at your job!

Finally, look at work through a Biblical lens

“There is nothing better for people than to eat and drink, and to find enjoyment in their work. I also perceived that this ability to find enjoyment comes from God.”(Eccle. 2:24) Nothing better for people than to enjoy work and be happy in all that it produces. God has instituted work, and it is a reality for all of us (well, maybe not some of us, but you know what I mean), so we should all just settle into whatever we are doing and do it all to the glory of our God! 

I hope that you are thanking God for the job you have this week as we celebrate the advancements made in the labor industry of our country! May God richly bless you and provide all that you are needing in order to find joy, peace, and fulfillment in your work! 

God bless you.