A Place of Peace

I hope that through this post you will more readily have the tools you need in order to find the peace you are looking for in your life! It starts with a relationship with Christ Jesus, because that makes us righteous, and righteousness creates peace. I find it very interesting to note that Isaiah 57:2 also states that the one who is upright and righteous also finds rest! Peace creates a restful spirit that is fully trusting in the Lord to care for all of our needs! There is nothing quite like having that restful peace as a result of having a right relationship with God and the people around us!

Are You Seeing Your Job as a Means of Enjoying Life?

See, for us who know God as our personal Savior and Provider, we are able to see beyond the cares and concerns of our day and see the bigger picture of what we do and why we do it. We sense the bigger purpose behind our labor. We work as unto the Lord. We work with purity and honesty, along with integrity. We work because we know that we have a strong opportunity to witness to a lost world around us through our efforts in our job. So, we are able to do our best and then leave it there while we trust God to work things out for us. Trusting in God makes all things better. Remember that Proverbs 3:15-16 tells us to rely upon Him and He will make our paths straight. Maybe that is applicable to our job too??

Have Mercy God! Why Confession is Important.

We need to understand that unconfessed sin sucks the life out of us (Ps. 32:3-4) and distances us from God. So, if we are trying to get close to God through worship we will inevitably be frustrated with the results if we are refusing to be authentic and truthful with Him about our sins. Start today, confess your sins to God and allow the refreshing water of forgiveness to bless you and restore you. Humility before God is a sweet thing that will always be received and honored by God. Isn’t that what we want? So, let’s do it!