The Love that Overcomes Whatever We Face! Worship Devotional

God has assured us that when we call to Him, He will answer. When we ask for His help, He is the One who will be nearer than anything or anyone as we go through difficulties. He does not promise us a life free of trials, but He does promise to be with us in the trials!

Whatever May Come We Need to Stand in the Love of God

As we look to God to be near to us and to answer our calls to Him for help in life’s various trials and joys, we need to remain steady in the love of God and declaring to others around us of how He is turning the nastiness of our lives into opportunities for His praise! God is always deserving of our dedication and worship!

A Place of Peace

I hope that through this post you will more readily have the tools you need in order to find the peace you are looking for in your life! It starts with a relationship with Christ Jesus, because that makes us righteous, and righteousness creates peace. I find it very interesting to note that Isaiah 57:2 also states that the one who is upright and righteous also finds rest! Peace creates a restful spirit that is fully trusting in the Lord to care for all of our needs! There is nothing quite like having that restful peace as a result of having a right relationship with God and the people around us!