Transforming Ashes to Beauty! Worship Devotional

God is the one who turns our shame into His glory, ashes into beauty, graves into gardens! When we come to Jesus in faith, we die to ourselves and allow Him to work in us. As a result, He produces a great garden of restoration in the life that has died to itself and transformed to live for the glory of God!

You are Deeply Loved by God!

around us is decreasing in their capacity to understand true love. Please do not allow the influence of our culture to cause your hearing to become dull and your heart to become numb to the greatest message ever given!

Whatever May Come We Need to Stand in the Love of God

As we look to God to be near to us and to answer our calls to Him for help in life’s various trials and joys, we need to remain steady in the love of God and declaring to others around us of how He is turning the nastiness of our lives into opportunities for His praise! God is always deserving of our dedication and worship!