Hallelujah (Even Here)- Over Every Worry & Every Fear!

We need to learn how to communicate our true feelings to God, all while remaining “determined” to offer up the sacrifice of praise from our lips no matter the circumstance.
I hope and pray this devotional will help us learn how to do that very thing!

Sing to the King – Will You Sing to King Jesus?

When we sing, we are able to release our worship to God in a collective way with others in the Church, speak words of truth and encouragement, pray (a lot of our songs are actually prayers), and many times enhance our theological understanding of God! Why not sing then?
If you have found this devotional to be helpful, would you consider sharing this devotion

Christ is Mine, Forevermore – Does Your Life Prove It?

Jesus said in the verse above that it is to “know” Him that is eternal life. To know Him, or that He is yours, is where our faith blends with our understanding and experience of how He is actively working in our lives. It is also where our faith becomes activated and causes us to live according to His ways and trust Him through life greatest struggles!

I hope this devotional will point you to Christ!

Holy Spirit – Welcome the Presence of God into Your Life!

memory verse image for Psalm 73:28

Our song of the day, Holy Spirit, reminds us of the importance seeking God’s presence in our lives on a daily basis is!

Our devotional thought comes from Psalm 73:28 and I hope it resinates and inspires you to seek the presence and glory of God in your life.

Just click the “read more of this post”, or the link, to access the full devotional with a lyric video, Scriptures for reflection, some action steps, and I even add an audio recording of the devotional in case you are busy and only want to listen to it!


Lives of Faith bring Glory to God!

The best way to return glory to God is to live a faithful life according to how God wants us to live! Faith in God demands obedience to His will and ways.

In today’s devotional, we learn from how Abraham believed God and how that faith returned glory to God. I hope as you read this content today that your faith will increase and your life will return glory to God forever!

The Word of God is Reliable and Remains Forever!

We must trust that the Word has power to destroy evil in our life and to instruct us how to live out our new life of faith!
Trust in the reliable and trustworthy character of our God and look to His Word for the encouragement you need today.

The Riches of God’s Love will Always Be Enough!

We must get into the routine of running to Jesus FIRST! There are many things that are trying to distract us and promise satisfaction, but I promise none will ever be enough like Jesus Christ!
Enjoy today’s devotional which encourages you to find satisfaction in Jesus!

Take “It” To the Lord in Prayer! Worship Devotional

What a privilege indeed! To be able to take it to the Lord in prayer. Why do we not access this precious gift more often? Why do we wait for things to get so bad before we resort to the very first channel of healing and help that we have – prayer?

Do We Appreciate the Blessing of Communion? Worship Devotional

As we sing in today’s song, “This is My body, broken for you. This is the cup that holds the blood of the New Covenant. This is forgiveness simple and true. This is the way that I have made for you.” May we always observe this wonderful treasure left behind by our Savior – Communion!

Are You Still Seeking Your Savior? Worship Devotional

Are you desperate for God to show up in a specific way in your life, or the lives of those you love? Seek Him, and you will find Him, when you seek for Him with all of your heart!
Enjoy today’s devotional!