Take “It” To the Lord in Prayer! Worship Devotional

What a privilege indeed! To be able to take it to the Lord in prayer. Why do we not access this precious gift more often? Why do we wait for things to get so bad before we resort to the very first channel of healing and help that we have – prayer?

Do We Appreciate the Blessing of Communion? Worship Devotional

As we sing in today’s song, “This is My body, broken for you. This is the cup that holds the blood of the New Covenant. This is forgiveness simple and true. This is the way that I have made for you.” May we always observe this wonderful treasure left behind by our Savior – Communion!

Are You Still Seeking Your Savior? Worship Devotional

Are you desperate for God to show up in a specific way in your life, or the lives of those you love? Seek Him, and you will find Him, when you seek for Him with all of your heart!
Enjoy today’s devotional!

How many Reasons to Bless the Lord? Worship Devotional

Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits child of God! I promise that 10,000 blessings is just the beginning place for the many reasons we can utter praise to the God who saved us!
Enjoy today’s devotional!

The Truth that Never Gets Old! Worship Devotional

God really loves us is a sentiment that should be the source of our joy, hope, and the experience of our life of faith.

Today’s devotional is an encouragement to not allowing the truth of God’s love not to become dull in our heart!

Are You Interested in Knowing God More? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “I Surrender” by Hillsong Worship Devotional thought Intimacy and connection are a big deal in any significant relationship, right? We want to know our spouse deeply, our parents, what pleases our boss, what blesses our besties, etc. Well, what about our God, don’t we desire and seek a deep and intimate … Read more