The Riches of God’s Love will Always Be Enough!

We must get into the routine of running to Jesus FIRST! There are many things that are trying to distract us and promise satisfaction, but I promise none will ever be enough like Jesus Christ!
Enjoy today’s devotional which encourages you to find satisfaction in Jesus!

How He Loves Us! Worship Devotional

God’s love compels transformation, requires change, sheds light on the darkness of our lives, and moves us from our sinful ways into a holy lifestyle! Why? Because “We are His portion and He is our prize, drawn by redemption by the grace in HIS eyes…” His love redeems us and His grace draws us closer to Him as it teaches us to deny ungodliness!

Forever Changed Because of God’s Love! Worship Devotional

God loved us so much that He died for us! This ensured that those who come to Him by faith will receive forgiveness, be cleansed, and receive their standing as a child of His forever. That means He will never forsake, or abandon, us! He will never stop loving us and walk away from His commitment to us! His love will always be there for us, and we never have to fear not being accepted by Him, ever!

Standing in the Love of God and Trusting that He will Never Abandon Us

Unfortunately, we live in a culture of abandonment. Way too many people are experiencing hurt and mistrust from parents who abandoned and mistreated them. This explains why so many have a hard time relying upon the Lord to be there through the hard times with them. I don’t know what pain you have had to endure throughout your life from being rejected, abandoned, and/or mistreated by someone you looked to and trusted, but I want you to know that the God of the Bible – the One true God – WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR ABANDON YOU (see Heb 13:5, John 14:8, Deut 31:6,8, Isa 43:2,5(a))! He will never run when things get hard. He will never reject your calls for help! He is always faithful to those who look to Him for deliverance. Do not let your experience with fallen humanity define your experience with a perfect Father! He loves you. No, wait, listen…..GOD LOVES YOU CHILD! Stand firm in that love, please!