Jesus Wants Us to Rise Up! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Rise Up” by Cain Scripture to reflect upon (Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!) John 11:38-44, Rom 6:4, Isa 2:5, Phil 3:10, John 10:10, 2 Cor 5:17, Devotional thought Are you living with grave clothes on? That is not the way our Lord wants us … Read more

Do You Remember the Happiest Day in History? Worship Devotional

I hope and pray that you do remember that day, and that you celebrate the wonderful blessing that day brought into your life. I pray that you are walking in the newness of life, the transformation that comes when one gives their life to Christ! I pray that the Gospel has taken complete hold of your life and that the greatest day in history has brought you life and life to the fullest!

The Truth that Arrested Death Forever! Worship Devotional

– Are you currently believing any lies about yourself, or God?

– Do you fear death and allow that fear to keep you in a state of spiritual paralysis?

– Will you praise the Lord right now for overcoming death forever and giving you eternal life in His name?

Standing in the Love of God and Trusting that He will Never Abandon Us

Unfortunately, we live in a culture of abandonment. Way too many people are experiencing hurt and mistrust from parents who abandoned and mistreated them. This explains why so many have a hard time relying upon the Lord to be there through the hard times with them. I don’t know what pain you have had to endure throughout your life from being rejected, abandoned, and/or mistreated by someone you looked to and trusted, but I want you to know that the God of the Bible – the One true God – WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR ABANDON YOU (see Heb 13:5, John 14:8, Deut 31:6,8, Isa 43:2,5(a))! He will never run when things get hard. He will never reject your calls for help! He is always faithful to those who look to Him for deliverance. Do not let your experience with fallen humanity define your experience with a perfect Father! He loves you. No, wait, listen…..GOD LOVES YOU CHILD! Stand firm in that love, please!

The Beautiful Name and Truth that Never Changes!

I have watched over the past few days people ridicule and weaponize words against people of opposing views, and it is so disheartening and quite frankly childish! I can’t stand living in such a political culture that we shame people and seek to destroy those who believe differently than us. Whatever happened to the arena of discussion and opinion that actually valued another’s point of view, and sought to learn and grow from it? Whatever happened to healthy examination of oneself, understanding that we could have it wrong and should be humble enough to admit it if that is the case? Why are we seeing so many people attacking opposing views with malicious intent, to absolutely silence the opposition?

Living Our Lives Whole-Heartedly Surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ

So, I am not sure if there is an area of your life right now that you have not surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus, but I would like to invite you, even exhort you, to allow Jesus full and complete access and control of that area right now. Commit to the process of trusting Him with that area of your life, by faith, and looking to Him to rescue you from the unnecessary stress and frustration you will have to endure when you take it into your own hands.