Bring Your Failures to the God Who Saves!

It is the kindness of God our Savior and His love toward us that compelled Him to gift us with His Son so that all who will believe in Him can receive eternal life!
That is great news for everyone and I hope that you have received this precious gift of salvation!

Read today’s devotional to find out more and to celebrate the salvation we have in Jesus! Just click the “Read more of this post” button.

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What is the Treasure Hidden in Jars of Clay? Worship Devotional

Today’s song speaks of an amazing grace that raises up the broken to life, that sees a dying Savior with love in His eyes as He lays Himself down and saves a wretch like me! This is the Gospel message, and it is a treasure indeed!
I pray that you are encouraged as you read today’s devotional content!

Do You Remember the Happiest Day in History? Worship Devotional

I hope and pray that you do remember that day, and that you celebrate the wonderful blessing that day brought into your life. I pray that you are walking in the newness of life, the transformation that comes when one gives their life to Christ! I pray that the Gospel has taken complete hold of your life and that the greatest day in history has brought you life and life to the fullest!

Is the Grace of God Sufficient Enough? Worship Devotional

– Do you have a humble enough spirit to admit weakness to the Lord and to embrace His gracious correction?

– Is His grace sufficient enough for you to be secure in your salvation, or do you feel that you have to try to add to His complete work of salvation?

– Have you praised the Lord today for being faithful to you? Will you now?

Worship Devotional: The Global Impact of the Gospel!

We have been commissioned by God Himself to carry this message to the world, to make sure that we are making disciples and influencing our “world” for the Lord! His glory rises up in us, it shines upon us as we proclaim the message to others of how Jesus Christ was sent into this world to bring salvation and hope to the helpless. There will be testing, even to the point of death to some, but the Church of Christ must persevere and endure through persecution and trials in order to spread this message with the hopes that some will believe and be saved!

The Great High Priest is My Friend!

When we realize that the battles we face in this life belong to the Lord and are overcome by crying out to Him from the inside out, then we will come Before the throne of God as His friends trusting in Him to be mindful of us and to answer our call for His deliverance. As we see Him at work in our lives, we will decide to Never stop singing to Him and telling others of His goodness!