Have We Forgotten How Marvelous God’s Love Is Toward Us? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “How Marvelous” by Chris Tomlin Devotional thought Have you forgotten how marvelous it is to be loved by the Savior? Well, if so, I am glad that you will be reminded of this wonderful truth in today’s song! This old Hymn is full of the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus … Read more

What is the Treasure Hidden in Jars of Clay? Worship Devotional

Today’s song speaks of an amazing grace that raises up the broken to life, that sees a dying Savior with love in His eyes as He lays Himself down and saves a wretch like me! This is the Gospel message, and it is a treasure indeed!
I pray that you are encouraged as you read today’s devotional content!

Living, Dying, Buried, Risen, and Coming Again! Worship Devotional

Jesus left His place of Glory, Heaven, and came to this Earth to fulfill the Father’s plan of redemption. The Earth was full of sin and darkness, and there was nothing that mankind was able to do on its own to produce light. We need a Savior, we needed light to overcome the darkness!

Do You Remember the Happiest Day in History? Worship Devotional

I hope and pray that you do remember that day, and that you celebrate the wonderful blessing that day brought into your life. I pray that you are walking in the newness of life, the transformation that comes when one gives their life to Christ! I pray that the Gospel has taken complete hold of your life and that the greatest day in history has brought you life and life to the fullest!

Worship Devotional: The Global Impact of the Gospel!

We have been commissioned by God Himself to carry this message to the world, to make sure that we are making disciples and influencing our “world” for the Lord! His glory rises up in us, it shines upon us as we proclaim the message to others of how Jesus Christ was sent into this world to bring salvation and hope to the helpless. There will be testing, even to the point of death to some, but the Church of Christ must persevere and endure through persecution and trials in order to spread this message with the hopes that some will believe and be saved!

The Beautiful Name and Truth that Never Changes!

I have watched over the past few days people ridicule and weaponize words against people of opposing views, and it is so disheartening and quite frankly childish! I can’t stand living in such a political culture that we shame people and seek to destroy those who believe differently than us. Whatever happened to the arena of discussion and opinion that actually valued another’s point of view, and sought to learn and grow from it? Whatever happened to healthy examination of oneself, understanding that we could have it wrong and should be humble enough to admit it if that is the case? Why are we seeing so many people attacking opposing views with malicious intent, to absolutely silence the opposition?

Adoring the Lord Most High!

So I really truly hope that you do have an encounter with the awesome and Most High King of the universe, Jesus Christ. I pray that this week is full of reminders of the God Almighty who loves you and who sent His Son to show you that love. He does not desire that any should perish (see 2 Pet 3:9) but that everyone would come to Him and receive the life that He has purchased for us in Jesus Christ (see John 10:10). This is why we sing, this is why we raise our hands in worship, this is why we adore our Majestic King, Jesus Christ!

We Shout, “Hosanna!” to Our God Who Saves!

As we live our lives we need to constantly be aware of our need for God to save us as we are being led to our many “crosses” and seeking God to revive us each day! As we receive His delivering power in our lives, then it is only fitting to reply with a Shout to Hosanna in praise for turning our Graves into Gardens cultivating Spirit-led, fruitful lives for His glory!

Is Your Mind Set on the Things of God?

In a very interesting exchange between Peter and Jesus, Jesus looks at Peter and tells Satan to get behind Him. I find this to be problematic because Peter is a person, a follower of Jesus, a man who declares Jesus to be the Messiah just 4 verses before Jesus calls him Satan! Let’s take a look … Read more

What is the Fruit that You are Displaying?

We must be careful not to forget that it is God who is at work within us to produce these fruits, not a vain effort of will from us. This is a hard concept to grasp, but I believe that many of us get caught up in defeat too many times because we do not understand this concept. This is a concept/principle that I believe is so critical in our walk of faith – Allow God to transform us without us trying to reform us! See, God wants to make us new creations, He isn’t trying to take the old us and form us into a new us. His work is a completely new life in Him. We get caught up in trying to take the old us and forcing it, or molding it, into this new life we are trying to live in Christ. This doesn’t work, and it causes all sorts of frustration. The Scripture above says that we were these things, but now we are made new! Why would a butterfly ever crawl on the ground like a caterpillar again? Why would we ever want to go back to our old ways? We are new in Him.