Living, Dying, Buried, Risen, and Coming Again! Worship Devotional

Jesus left His place of Glory, Heaven, and came to this Earth to fulfill the Father’s plan of redemption. The Earth was full of sin and darkness, and there was nothing that mankind was able to do on its own to produce light. We need a Savior, we needed light to overcome the darkness!

The Storm Will Not Stop My Praises! Worship Devotional

The storms of life will come and go, but in the midst of those turbulent times we should never make the decision to move off of the only constant thing we have – our God’s reliability! We have to choose to stand on His promises to be with us and to provide our help in times of trouble. He is the God of comfort and gives us grace to persevere through the most difficult times when we rely upon Him.

The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!