Does Your Heart Still Bless the Name of the Lord? Worship Devotional

To bless the name of the Lord is to offer Him praise, to adore Him, to keep Him in the proper place of honor in our lives at all times!
That is what we see Job doing in Job 1:21 when he declares that even though the Lord gives and takes away, His name is to blessed no matter what.

The Storm Will Not Stop My Praises! Worship Devotional

The storms of life will come and go, but in the midst of those turbulent times we should never make the decision to move off of the only constant thing we have – our God’s reliability! We have to choose to stand on His promises to be with us and to provide our help in times of trouble. He is the God of comfort and gives us grace to persevere through the most difficult times when we rely upon Him.

Worship Devo: Learning to Bless the Name of the Lord in All Things!

I know that we all face various seasons in our lives, some better and some worse, but I really believe that worshiping through the seasonal changes keeps us centered on the things that really matter and provides hope for us when we are hopeless! Hebrews 12:2 tells us to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, and the more we can do that by Blessing His Name regardless of our situations will be the level to which we will have stability in our lives.

Let’s Bless the Name of the King of kings!

As we seek to live our lives in godly ways, modeling the Kingdom life in Heaven, we need to remember often the Deep Love of the Father upon us evidenced by sending the King of kings down to earth to save us from our lives of sin and shame and to do great things for us that cause us to always bless His Holy Name!