The Word of God is Reliable and Remains Forever!

We must trust that the Word has power to destroy evil in our life and to instruct us how to live out our new life of faith!
Trust in the reliable and trustworthy character of our God and look to His Word for the encouragement you need today.

Understanding the Importance of God’s Word! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Word of God” by Brenton Brown Scripture to reflect upon (Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!) 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Heb 4:12, Ps 107:19-20 (NASB), Ps 119:11,105,114 Devotional thought There are people being handed a translation or copy of the Bible for the first time right … Read more

Jesus Christ, Who is He To You?

encouragement in the Scriptures sited above that! It is so good to remind ourselves of Who it is that we are surrendered to and have asked to be our Lord and Savior. So, I want to just list a few things that I have found to be true of the Only Faithful and True expression of the Father who came and dwelt among us so that He could prove Himself to be the mighty Deliverer – Jesus Christ is His Name!

Lord, I Need You! The Cry of the Redeemed.

Have you ever found yourself saying, “God, I need You!” I know that I have many times in my life, and I have never once regretted it! I am going to share my testimony now, and I do want you to consider skipping over this section if you have ever been a victim of physical abuse. I would never want my testimony to deter you from having a relationship with Christ, or growing in your walk with Christ, but I do feel that it is necessary to share my story because our testimonies can help people understand how to overcome life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups and how God can help us do so. Some parts of my story are graphic, so please read with grace.

Is Your Worship Spirited and True? (Part 3)

Just think, right now in Heaven there is a worship service happening. Within that worship service, truth is being proclaimed about who God is and what He has done. Whenever that happens, there is a response that takes place that causes all of those around the throne to fall before Him and throw their crowns saying, “You are worthy..”. This is going to be so awesome to experience in the future, but I am here to say that we can, and should, be experiencing that sort of a worship service right now!! This is a great picture of worshiping in Spirit and Truth!