Sing to the King – Will You Sing to King Jesus?

Song of the Day

“Sing to the King” by Passion

Devotional thought

Psalm 47 gives a command to the people of God to Sing to the King! The Psalmist makes this command because God is the King that reigns over the Nations (among other things) and is the One who shows favor to His people by giving them a land to dwell as He promised!

God reigns over the nations. God sits on his holy throne.

Psalm 47:8 (NET 2nd ed.)

In a day when the Israelites needed the reminder to trust in the Lord while the nations around them were looking for ways to attack and overtake them, the Psalmist reminds the people of the power of a “well-written song” (see Ps 47:7) to keep God exalted in their minds!

These songs were used to remind the people that it was God that sits upon the Sovereign Throne, not the kings of other nations. And as such, the people were to remind one another often of this truth by none other than singing them!

For the Lord Most High is awe-inspiring; he is the great king who rules the whole earth!

Psalm 47:2 (NET 2nd ed.)

Making the personal connection

Music is an amazing gift from God, and we are to use it to remind one another of who God is and who we are in relationship to Him! I fear that many of us may not utilize it enough though in our normal day-to-day routines of life.

Even on Sunday mornings, the time dedicated to worshiping God, there can be many seen not singing the songs at Church under the guise, “I just don’t care for singing/music that much.” I am not trying to cast judgement on such an individual, but am just trying to say that this person is missing out on a precious opportunity to be obedient and active in fulfilling the command of the Psalmist, and more importantly – the Bible!

When we sing, we are able to release our worship to God in a collective way with others in the Church, speak words of truth and encouragement, pray (a lot of our songs are actually prayers), and many times enhance our theological understanding of God! Why not sing then?

Psalm 47:5 makes the incredible statement that God actually “ascended” amid shouts of joy (songs of praise)! And Psalm 22:3 says that God is “enthroned upon the praises of Israel”, literally He sits as King on the praises of His people!

So, make the personal connection here and sing to the King of your heart. Don’t neglect this precious gift.

Questions for Reflection

  • How often do you find yourself singing a song of praise and worship to God?
  • If you have a hard time desiring to sing, does it help to think of singing to the King as a command found in the Bible?
  • What is one of your favorite songs to sing to God?


Father in Heaven, You are my great King! Thank You for the gift of music, the expression of song, and for inhabiting the praises of Your people. I ask that You put a song on my heart today that I can sing or hum throughout the day to remind myself of who You are and what You’ve done. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Psalm 47,
  • Colossians 3:16,
  • Psalm 145:1,

Memory Verse

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