Lunch Devo: Psalm 97:1

Lunch Devo: “The Lord Reigns!”

  • Do you believe this message?
  • How much of your life is lived as if you believe this message? (Do you make decisions based on this, do you speak to people in a way that would prove this, are you characterized by joy and peace, etc.)
  • Does it produce joy in your heart that results in you celebrating through praise and worship of this fact that the Lord reigns in and over your life?

Trusting in the Lord means allowing Him to reign in your life, and this means that we will allow His ways to instruct our ways. To reign means to rule as king! This act of transferring Lordship to Jesus Christ from ourselves is critical to determine the level of joy and fulfillment we will experience in our lives. We cannot expect to be characterized by joy when we are the ultimate authority in our lives, but when we give the Lord Jesus Christ full and complete reign over our lives we will be full and completely overflowing with joy!

Release yourself into the faithful and tender care of the Lord Jesus Christ today and tell me that I am wrong.

God bless you!