Hallelujah, to the Lord God Who Reigns! Worship Devotional

The Child that came into this world, Jesus Christ, came to deliver us from oppression and to save us from our sins! Hallelujah, indeed. I believe that when we properly understand the transaction that took place upon the cross of Christ, that is when we will begin to understand the importance of offering up our unhindered praises to God for this wonderful act of forgiveness!
We were destined for Hell, an eternity without God forever, until our Savior showed up on the seen and saved us! This should inspire praise to rise up in each of our hearts forever. This truly is good news, and that news should fill us with joy unspeakable!

Love is Primary

In Deuteronomy 6:5 we are told to “…love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength.” The essential aspect of our Covenant with the Lord (covenant means a binding agreement) is love! There is nothing more important to God than for us to understand His love for us and that we would love Him. This is why I say that Love is primary, because there is nothing more important to God in regard to us.