Worship Devo: How Does Communion Apply To Me?

The audio recording of this post

Song of the Day

“Jesus Messiah” by Chris Tomlin (YouTube link)

Scripture to reflect upon

  • John 4:25-26,
  • 2 Cor 5:21,
  • Luke 22:19-20,
  • Mark 15:38,
  • 1 Tim 4:10,
  • John 8:12,
  • Phil 2:8-11,
  • 1 Cor 10:16,

Devotional thought

Communion is one of those sacraments of the Church that some people have a hard time understanding, but I want us to be experiencing Communion with the Lord each day! Many of us view Communion as something that involves some elements being passed around and taken at a Church service, and although this is an excellent practice and should be done by all who call themselves Christ-followers, that is only a small portion of the joy of Communion! Communion, according to the dictionary, is an “invitation to exchange our deepest and most intimate thoughts”, fears, desires, cares, etc., with the Messiah who was sent from Heaven to tear apart the veil that separated us from God!

We can see this in the exchange of intimate details between Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John 4, when she told Him that the Messiah will come and when He does He will tell us “everything”, and Jesus responded by saying, “I…Am He” (John 4:26). This was after Jesus just told her things about herself that nobody else could have known, and then after He said these things the woman went back to the town and started telling people to “come and see the Man that told me everything that I ever did” (John 4:29)! I believe that this story has so many excellent applications to how Communion applies to each of us, but one of the main points I see in John 4 is that people have a preconceived idea of how or where worship should take place (she was stuck on where people should be worshiping), but Jesus blew that up by saying that Worship is done in spirit and truth (which means that it is not contained to a location, like Sunday morning worship!).

Communion is that way for us, it is a spirit of fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ at all times! We do not have to wait till the first of the month (or whenever your church holds a special Communion service) to partake in Communion. We can, and should, be having a Communion service in our spirit at all times for what God did by sending us the Messiah to forgive us and provide for us everlasting life. Don’t be afraid of having some wine/juice and bread/crackers set aside for the purpose of enjoying the elements of Communion with Jesus and your family anytime you feel the need to connect with them in a special way! It is an awesome way to engage in family worship, as long as it is done with all reverence and not partaken in haphazardly!


Lord Jesus, my God and Savior. I thank You for making Communion with You possible by paying the ransom that was required for my salvation through Your body that was broken and blood that was shed! Thank You for loving me and forgiving me. I ask that You help me to have a spirit of Communion at all times with You through Your Holy Spirit who has been deposited into my life forever. I love You Lord, and I give You my life now and forevermore. In Jesus’ name, Amen.