How Do You Respond to the Glorious God? Worship Devotional

Does your soul cry out in response to the Lord’s holiness? What is your response to the God of all glory?

Read today’s devotional based on the song by Brian and Katie Torwalt called “Glorious” to learn more!

Praise God for Christ the Newborn King! Worship Devotional

This thing that happened in Bethlehem is happening in hearts all around the world! People are responding to the invitation to have peace with God through a Divine experience with the Christ who dwells in the realm of glory forever! Have you?
Worship the God of our salvation today, thanking Him for giving us the Christ for our peace!

Worship Devo: Do You Know the Prince of Peace?

In the song for today, we sing lyrics that come right out of this prophecy (Lyrics like; “You’re the Prince of peace, You are mighty (Mighty God).”), and when we know that to be true in our heart, it will result in us praising and worshiping our Savior for that peace we feel now that we know Him! Our lives will be dedicated to holiness (which also promotes peace for us) as we follow the Lord out of the love we have for Him and for all that He has provided for us.