The Amazing Work of Deliverance Granted by God!

Song of the Day

“Egypt” by Cory Asbury (Bethel Music)

Devotional thought

It was a 430 years, the stretch of time (see Exodus 12:40) that the Israelites were in slavery to the Egyptians. But then, at the appointed time, some things began to happen that started the process of the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham regarding the deliverance of His people from Egypt (see Acts 7:17). And, God absolutely did deliver His people by His mighty power!

I find it incredible though to consider the length of time, steps it took, people He used, and events of that time, and so much more that brought about the deliverance of God’s people.

Beginning with Abraham, a famine, then enter Joseph into the mix, along comes an incredible story of adoption where the Israelite baby (Moses) that was supposed to die but was adopted into the family of the one who wanted him dead (and survived!), He flees the nation after he murders someone, then after 40 years encounters a bush that was on fire but never consumed! God tells him that he was chosen to go back and free His people from their bondage and he does so through a series of plagues and disaster that fell upon the people of Egypt and didn’t touch the Israelites in the land of Goshen. And the story of deliverance all culminates with God parting the Red Sea and saving His people as they crossed on dry land while the sea swallowed up their enemies chasing after them! Wow, what a story!

Making the personal connection

Can you imagine being an Israelite at year 429 of the 430 and feeling completely abandoned by God? Like He left you alone and without any hope of ever being delivered. This is so instructive for us today, isn’t it?

See, even though we may “feel” God has abandoned us at times, He is working deliverance and orchestrating blessing for us behind the scenes that we are not aware of! The Israelites had no idea that God was speaking with Moses possibly over 100 miles from where they were and orchestrating their deliverance!

Exodus 2:24-25 says that God heard their cry and was concerned about His people and remembered His covenant with Abraham! Does this encourage you today? To know that God sees and hears you in your current situation!

Your cries are not going unnoticed, and your God is concerned about your current plight! He is working on your deliverance even now child of God. Stay faithful. Don’t give up. You could be in the 429th year of the 430 with a miracle in the works that God has been working on for years in the making! Have faith and believe that God sees you.

Like our song of the day says, “I won’t forget the wonder of how You brought deliverance to my heart. You found me, You freed me, held back the waters for my release…”

Don’t forget the miracle working God that provides salvation and deliverance to all who call upon His mighty name!

Questions for Reflection

  • Are you willing to stay faithful to God even when it doesn’t make sense?
  • Is it hard for you to wait on the Lord? What do you do in that time?
  • Will you trust God today as you await His deliverance knowing that He is sovereign and is working all things together for the good of those who love Him?


I know it’s tempting to try and control your situations when things get hard, but I encourage you to reject the illusion of control and to submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in that tough situation!

Wait upon God and seek Him for His intervention, and trust that He is working out your deliverance even now. Keep praying, keep trusting, and keep holding onto hope!


Please God, help me to know that You see me and that You truly are working all things together for my good, even if the results don’t look like I think they should. I surrender myself to You now and am grateful to know You as the miracle working God that has saved my life. I choose to trust You Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Exo 2:24-25,
  • Acts 7:4-36,
  • Romans 8:28,
  • 2 Samuel 22:2,

Memory Verse

Share a time when you seen the Delivering work of God in your own life!!

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