One Day with God is Better than Thousands Elsewhere!

Song of the Day

“Better is One Day” by Kutless

Devotional thought

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.”

Psalm 84:10

Our song of the day comes directly from our verse to reflect upon, Psalm 84:10. The Psalmist declares that to be in the house, literally at the Threshold, of God is better than to be dwelling in the tents of the wicked! He wanted to be close to the God who answers His prayers.

The Doorkeeper of the Temple was a very important job and it was highly respected, but the word translated Doorkeeper here in Psalm 84:10 is only used once in the Old Testament and it has more to do with being on the threshold instead of in the building. I find this to be very meaningful because the Psalmist seems to be saying that even if he is on the outskirts of the Temple it is still better than the tents of the wicked.

The threshold of the temple was where the beggars of alms and those seeking admission into the Temple resided. Those desperate to have an encounter with Yahweh, the personal God of the Israelite people, were there at the threshold of the Temple!

Making the personal connection

I think it is helpful for us today to see ourselves in the same light as that of the Psalmist here. To see ourselves as those who are satisfied with even the smallest taste of the presence of God! To be beggars of the presence and proximity of God is much better than the elaborate excursions of the wicked that take people everywhere but a place of satisfaction.

It is the place where God’s glory dwells that will completely satisfy the longings of our heart. Better is the begging for holiness than the gluttony of indulging our sinful passions! Our hearts will be much more satisfied and our soul will experience a much greater sense of peace when we seek to abide in the place God dwells!

Questions for Reflection

  • Do you long for the presence of God?
  • Are you spending too much time in the tents of the wicked (meaning in places that are leading you to sinful indulgences)?
  • Are you satisfied when you say no to the flesh and yes to the Spirit? Why?


We need to strongly resist the urge to find satisfaction in anything other than God and His holy presence. I know there are many temptations and enticements to join others in the tents of the wicked, but I promise that there is a sense of peace and contentment that comes with choosing godliness.

Do what it takes to stay in proximity to the dwelling place of God! Pray, read the Bible, and fellowship with other believers. Find a Bible believing, and preaching, Church that helps you apply the Word of God to your life. And never compromise on what you know is forbidden by God.

Better are the days of dwelling with God than the days of entertaining evil! I promise.


God, thank You for allowing me even the slightest bit of Your holy presence! I want to be near to You, and I ask that You help me to reject all evil in my life. Help me to draw near to You Lord and to resist the tents of the wicked. Please grant me discernment and courage to say no to evil and yes to Your wonderful ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ps 84:10-11,
  • Ps 84:1-5,
  • James 4:7,
  • 1 Peter 5:8-9,
  • Romans 12:21,

Memory Verse

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