Lunch Devo: Proverbs 5:21

  • How does it make you feel to know that your ways are in full view of God?
  • Do you feel fear or love when you hear that God is watching you?
  • Is there anything you need to repent of that you have been doing without the realization that God is watching you?
    • Will you do that now?

Some of us may feel a certain sense of fear by the fact that God is watching us and examining our paths, but I want to remind us that according to 1 John 4:18 there is no need to fear (in the scared/terrified sense) when we have come to know the love of the Father through Jesus Christ. Perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. This is important because this fear is debilitating, it stops growth! We need the healthy sense of the word fear (reverence, awe, and amazement) to compel us to live holy lives that are free from the guilt of sin!

Jesus Christ has made a way for all of us to enter into that place of security and peace, even while He watches our every move. His perfect love offers us complete forgiveness and peace with the Father. So take the rest of this day to offer up your praises and worship the Lord God for giving you perfect peace through His perfect love!

Enjoy the rest of your day, knowing that God is watching you and examining your paths!