Lunch Devo: Ps 139:23

Lunch Devo: The truth of the matter is, we all have anxious thoughts at one time or another! We all need to be tested in our thinking and our passions (what consumes our attention and time) from time to time to make sure that we are not operating outside of the faith. I love how the Psalmist shows us how to take that before the Lord (who knows all of our thoughts anyway) in a way that allows Him to correct and influence our heart and mind! It goes along well with Phil 4:6 that tells us to be anxious for nothing and to offer up our prayers to God instead.

Pride is the sin that keeps God from having complete access to the way we think and feel about things. Humility is the virtue that says, “God, I want you to examine my intentions, to know my heart, and to correct any false ways of thinking within me right now.”.

  • Do you have open dialogue with God out what is going through your mind and what has your heart (passion) right now?
  • Will you allow Jesus to influence your thinking and lifestyle?
  • What are the anxious thoughts that you are battling right now? Have you told Jesus?
  • Will you worship the God who knows you and your thoughts, and who is able to replace those anxious thoughts with peace beyond comprehension?

God bless you!